
Migrația, factor de (in)securitate în UE

Joi, 12 noiembrie 2015, Centrul de Strategii Avansate în parteneriat cu Centrul de Analiză și Studii de Securitate a organizat dezbaterea ”Migrația, factor de (in)securitate în Uniunea Europeană. O analiză economică, demografică, socială, politică și de securitate”. Evenimentul a avut loc în Aula Bibliotecii Academiei Române. Dezbaterea a fost moderată de Rareș Bogdan și Alexandru Căutiș cu invitat Dl. Alexandru Grumaz.

By |2017-11-14T21:27:41+02:00November 13th, 2015|Events|0 Comments

Cyber Intelligence Europe – 3rd edition

The third in a series, 2015 Cyber Intelligence Europe is gradually becomes one of the most important in this field, bringing together national, regional and European government officials, experts and business people to build a communication and collaboration bridge defending against major cyber-attacks. Eugen Popa, Strategikon vice president for cyber-security, pointed out the importance of the event for the Romanian environment: “The level of information security and cyber-attacks we’re witnessing today no longer resumes to a couple of small companies and limited networks, but to information crimes that directly impact the state institutions and the big market players. Owing to the increasingly high level of interdependence of information system and [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:27:42+02:00October 6th, 2015|Events|Comments Off on Cyber Intelligence Europe – 3rd edition

Cyber Intelligence Europe 2015 – Romania programme

BENEFITS OF ATTENDING On completion of this Cyber workshop you will: Have a wider appreciation of the threat landscape in the Cyber Domain Have a wider understanding of the complex linkages between technology, people, process, tools, business benefit and balance of investment decisions Understand how the making significant investment in stopping intruders isn't necessarily the best approach Be able to better articulate the relationships between business continuity and cyber defence, and balance the demands of each Be able to better position your responsibilities within the wider Cyber arena Have had an introduction to some tools to help you in your decision-making Have a solid foundation to extract most benefit from [...]

By |2015-06-29T23:31:33+03:00June 28th, 2015|Events|Comments Off on Cyber Intelligence Europe 2015 – Romania programme

Cyber Intelligence Europe 2015 – Romania 28th – 30th September

Cyber Intelligence Europe 2015 will analyse the different types of cybercrimes being faced to government agencies across Europe. Many public and private sector organisations are being targeted with the criminals exposing sensitive information to the public. Take part in our 3rd annual event to discuss ways of how to combat cybercrimes. Our third instalment of our Cyber Intelligence Europe conference & exhibition will be taking place in Romania where the government is implementing strategies to improve their cyberspace from cybercrimes and attacks. NATO has recently named Romania as the main hub of operations in South Eastern Europe to combat cybercrimes in the region. One aspect which will be discussed during [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:27:53+02:00March 30th, 2015|Events|Comments Off on Cyber Intelligence Europe 2015 – Romania 28th – 30th September
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