Global Governance

The X-GEN men at 1600 and number 10

Both U.S. President Barack Obama and Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron have a great deal in common.  They come from the same generation born in 1961 and 1966 respectively.  They both shared the best education available.    Obama attended the elite Punaho Private School in Honolulu, receiving his undergraduate degree from Columbia University and an LL.D. from Harvard Law School. Cameron attended Eton College and from there went on to Brasenose College at Oxford University.   They both grew up in largely political jobs with little private sector experience.  Obama was a “community organizer” in Chicago before gaining his law degree and working for a law office.  While teaching constitutional [...]

America strikes out (again!)

Two writers as different and diverse as Charles Dickens and Carl von Clausewitz set the context for American politics in the 21st century.  More Americans would agree that the worst is getting the better of the best of times at home and internationally.  The U.S. economy is sputtering and from Afghanistan to Ukraine chaos and violence have displaced peace and stability as the leading edge indicators. Against this rather bleak outlook, theoretically viable and even straight-forward solutions exist.  To deal with the economy, reform of the tax code and regulatory and immigration systems and creation of a national infrastructure bank are self-evident actions that should be easily implemented.  And likewise, [...]

John Kerry’s determination

The current buzz in Washington’s bazaars is questioning whether the peripatetic Secretary of State John Kerry is determined or delusional in his multi-faceted quest to solve among the most intractable of global conflicts.  Some see Kerry as a 21st century Don Quixote tilting at windmills. Except, these windmills can bite back.  Others applaud his doggedness and courage to persist.   So far, a dozen trips to the Middle East to broker a deal between Palestinians and Israel have not achieved that outcome.  Russian help in removing Bashar al Assad’s chemical weapons from Syria was indeed a welcome and positive step.  But the Syrian civil war grows no closer to ending [...]

Politica de restrictionare a Rusiei

În 1946, în timp ce era însărcinat cu afaceri la Ambasada SUA de la Moscova, diplomatul american George Kennan a transmis la Washington, la Departamentul de Stat, o telegramă care cuprindea 8.000 de cuvinte prin care explica natura politicii agresive a lui Stalin. Mister „X”, aşa cum avea să semneze un an mai târziu diplomatul american un articol extins pe aceeaşi temă în prestigioasa revistă Foreign Affairs, preciza în finalul „lungii telegrame”: Elementul oricărei politici în ceea ce priveşte Rusia, pe termen lung, este răbdarea, dar şi vigilenta restricţionare a tendinţelor expansioniste ale acesteia. „Lunga telegramă” a stat la baza deciziilor politice ale SUA, de-a lungul timpului, în ceea ce [...]

My fellow citizens

President Barack Obama gained great notoriety with brilliant speeches in Berlin during his first run for office and in Cairo after his 2008 election.  Since then, like the absence of real strategic thinking by his administration regarding foreign policy, this great rhetoric has been missing in action.  With Russia’s takeover of Crimea and the prospects for a new cold or at least cool war non-trivial, the time for a great speech is at hand.   What might the president say?  In summary terms, he might lay out a vision for the future.  The central theme for this vision is what to do post-Crimea.  In that regard, the president must focus [...]

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