
Big ideas needed now

When confronting a big problem, President General of the Army Dwight Eisenhower believed that the best solution could be found by making the problem bigger.  What he meant was that in moving from, in military terms, a tactical to a strategic solution the latter would resolve the former.  This is what President Barack Obama must do as he confronts a world of volatility and uncertainty perhaps unlike any other period in memory. In fact, today could be an inflection point as great or greater than the end of the Cold War or September 11th. The president’s strategic approach is cautious and restrained yet uses often-excessive rhetoric such as announcing a [...]

Do not defer action against ISIS!

While President Barack Obama is contemplating what to do, if anything, about ISIS/L (now called the Islamic State or IS) as well as recovering from the “hug-out (what a ridiculous phrase)” in Martha’s Vineyard with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after her pointed criticism about the White House’s lack of a strategy in Iraq, he ought to consider the consequences, intended or otherwise, of deferring or taking strong action in Iraq.  History is full of useful examples that are relevant today to dealing with IS one way or another.   Consider 1947, 1948 and 1949.  In 1947, Britain granted India independence and partition that created East and West Pakistan.  [...]

Atenție, urmează un nou Sarajevo!

Ce avem pe lista crizelor din Orientul Mijlociu? Războiul civil din Siria continuă. Convorbirile de pace dintre israelieni și palestinieni sunt în colaps, iar războiul rencepe. Egiptul este în proces de eliminare a grupării Frații Musulmani. Discuțiile SUA Iran sunt marcate de incertitudine. Irakul este în convulsii, iar pericolul ruperii în trei provincii devine tot mai pronunţat, pe zi ce trece. America face eforturi deosebite de a ține Irakul în construcția actuală. Secretarul de stat american, John Kerry, în vizită în Irak, încearcă să determine autorităţile de la Bagdad să schimbe guvernul monocolor șiit într-unul de coaliție, în care să includă comunitatea sunnită. Kerry a negociat inclusiv în provincia semiautonomă [...]

Organized crime, support for terrorist phenomenon

Abstract: The attack of September 11, 2001 has changed the approach to the concepts of terrorism and organized crime. Terrorism and organized crime are daily threats to international security and, therefore, it was seriously necessary to study the links between these two phenomena. By their nature, especially the objectives sought and the effects generated in society, activities in the field of organized crime and terrorism are placed, obviously, among offenses. Keywords: terrorism, the phenomenon of cross-border crime, criminal network, fight against organized crime, border police, international police cooperation. A definition of organized crime was formulated  and  presented  at  the  UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime,   adopted   on   November   15,   2000, [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:41+02:00April 16th, 2013|Europa/Rusia, Issues, Regions, Terrorism|0 Comments

Trends in the international security environment

Coautor Adrian Casian. Abstract: The current security environment is very dynamic and constantly changing. Regionally, in the Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe there are tensions that persist or grow, caused either by transnational criminality or by old ethnic, religious, territorial or separatist disputes to contest existing borders.   Keywords: global security environment, diagram of power relations; regional powers, security structures, globalization, risks and asymmetric threats, international stability. Global security environment is mainly characterized by the following major trends: the acceleration of globalization and regional integration, along with the persistence of actions that aim for state fragmentation; reasonable convergence of efforts to establish a new stable and predictable security architecture, accompanied by [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:42+02:00April 16th, 2013|Europa/Rusia, Issues, Regions, Terrorism|0 Comments
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