
North Africa

Africa is on the radar of the major Western European countries after they were expelled from the area slowly emerging countries led by China? The question troubling European or North American chancelleries increasingly more. Libya and Mali are examples edificatorii for an answer. If Europe wants to play a significant role in the north and north west Africa to follow Beijing and prioritize business, not her sense of guilt from the colonial period. Changes in the attitude of African governments, to Western officials, they see occasion events. So in celebration of the Queen of Holland or the U.S. Independence Day in Lusaka Zambian minister has not attended any. African lions [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:51+02:00March 10th, 2013|Africa., Regions|0 Comments

Missing in Africa

How Obama Failed to Engage an Increasingly Important Continent Todd Moss, October 1, 2012 A Madiba mosaic portrait of president Obama. (tsevis / flickr) Africa is more important than ever to the United States. The continent, home to six of the world’s ten fastest-growing economies, is booming. And democracy has become the African norm rather than the exception. This year alone, no fewer than fifteen sub-Saharan countries will hold elections. With their combination of liberal politics and market economics, countries such as Ghana and Botswana are attracting frontier investors. Huge potential markets like Nigeria and Ethiopia are leveraging modest reforms into big economic opportunities. These trends all suggest that Africa is [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:56+02:00November 5th, 2012|Africa., Regions|Comments Off on Missing in Africa
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