The fall of our discontent

On this anniversary of the attacks that leveled the Twin Towers in New York and part of the Pentagon a dozen years ago, a long, hot and wet summer in Washington, D.C. risks metastasizing into a Fall of Discontent.  Syria is the most incandescent and looming issue underscored by President Barack Obama’s speech last night.  But Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and other ticking time bombs have not been defused.  And world economies remain fragile and emerging markets in flux. Any strike against Syria has the potential to ignite broader regional conflict.  Oil prices would be affected in the extreme with obvious economic consequences that will extend to China and the Pacific.  [...]

Nori negri – Status quo mondial

Avem inainte o toamna grea si extrem de dinamica. In Europa se anunta multe schimbari. In Germania cursa electorala este pe ultima suta de metri, iar miza este mare, atat pentru nemti cat si pentru Europa. Angela Merkel parca se pregateste pentru noul mandat iar politicile sale vor da tonul in Europa. In Italia se aprind spiritele si se prefigureaza o criza politica ce va ridica temperatura zonei euro. Noul guvern de coalitie condus de Enrico Letta se confrunta cu o criza economica grava. In contextul condamnarii fostului premier Silvio Berlusconi, partidul sau, Partidul Poporul Libertăţii, a anuntat posibilitatea de a-si retrage sprijinul pentru guvernul unional, ceea ce ar conduce [...]

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