Super Bowl, Super Power?

Last Sunday’s Super Bowl was the culmination of America’s National Football League’s sixteen game season and the playoffs that followed to determine who would win the sport’s ultimate prize---the Vince Lombardi Trophy.  One of the world’s most widely watched annual television events, the Super Bowl was very disappointing to those fans wishing to see a game won or lost in the last seconds.  From the opening kickoff, the Seattle Seahawks demolished the Denver Broncos delivering a 43-8 beating, one of the worst in Super Bowl history.   Seattle’s defense, the best in the league, throttled Denver’s offense, also the best in football.  The game was lopsided: despair for the losers [...]

Previziuni 2004 după vice-președintele Stratfor Reva Bhalla 6 Jan 2014

Cel mai important trend al anului 2014 va fi în mod cert dezvoltarea relației dintre Washington și Teheran. De la războiul din Irak la războiul din Siria SUA s-a confruntat cu dezechilibrele majore din Orientul Mijlociu încercând să nu se complice într-o lume islamică în căutarea propriei identități. Anul acesta se pare că SUA încercă o resuscitare a balanței de putere dezvoltând o relație cu Teheranul. Arabia Saudită, Israelul sau Garda Revoluționară Islamincă din Irak au făcut deja cunoscute opțiunile negative legate de acestă reluare a negocierilor deși nici unul dintre aceștia nu le pot impiedica sau influența. În acest timp Ankara, contraponderea geostrategică a Teheranului trebuie sa facă față [...]

When governments become destructive

Tomorrow, July 4th, marks America’s Independence Day.  The document we celebrate, the Declaration of Independence that rejected British rule, was the masterpiece of democratic expression written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776.  The most profound lines are not the more famous “When in the course of human events” and “all men are created equal.”  They appear at the end of the first sentence of the document’s second paragraph: “when… government…becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government.” Two hundred and thirty-seven years later, too many governments have become destructive in governing whether through smashing dissent with force or blatant, repressive misuse [...]

Too many archdukes, too many bullets

Ninety-nine years ago this Friday, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his pregnant wife Sofia were gunned down in Sarajevo by a nineteen-year old Bosnian Serb nationalist named Gavrilo Princips.  The assassinations quickly provoked a crisis that more quickly erupted into world war.  Ironically, many of the elites in Europe believed that an early 20th century version of globalization and economic interdependencies on the continent made war too expensive to contemplate or to wage.  Indeed, Nobel Prize winner Sir Norman Angell’s The Great Illusion, written in 1910 and required reading for the intelligentsia, made that case eloquently and, as it turned out, entirely wrongly. Today, the nearly four hundred year old Westphalian [...]

Scandalul PRISM şi „Metafora bibliotecii”

Intr-un zig-zag pe mapamond acompaniat de reporterii surescitaţi ai canalelor TV grand-taille, Snowden cară în sacul de voiaj schiţele recent amorsatului scandal PRISM, excitând la culme activiştii pentru drepturile omului şi lipind emoticonul faţă-tristă conservatorilor adepţi ai armăturii ordinii şi controlului. Cum va evolua noua telenovelă cu spioni spilcuiţi ce pare un remake al Wikileaks? Ce a e nou, în formă şi conţinut, din unghi actual sau istoric? Un analist al Centrului de Prevenirea Conflictelor şi Early Warning, Narciz Bălăşoiu, sintetizează subiectul: „Obiectul dezvăluirilor l-a făcut aşa-numitul program PRISM, acesta fiind acronimul proiectului secret prin care National Security Agency (NSA) accesa direct serverele celor mai mari companii, precum Facebook, Yahoo, [...]

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