America strikes out

Using a baseball metaphor, in the field of national security, when the United States comes to the plate to bat, it often starts with two and a half strikes against it. Strike one is the chronic tendency to misinterpret, distort and even invent threats often for politically expedient reasons. Strike two is the failure to address the question of “what next?” once crucial foreign or national security policy decisions have been taken. Strike two and a half are lapses in oversight of sensitive national security programs that too often occur. Regarding threat assessment, during the Cold War, the U.S. believed that the Soviet Union was “ten feet tall.” It turned [...]

The Search for Belonging and Ballistic Missile Defense in Romania

During the Cold War, Romania confused all of us. Long after brutality in other communist countries declined, Romania remained a state that employed levels of violence best compared to North Korea today. Nicolae Ceausescu, referred to by admirers as the Genius of the Carpathians, ruled Romania with a ruthless irrationality. Government policies left the country cold and dark, and everyday items readily available just a few kilometers south in Bulgaria were rarities in Romania. At the same time -- and this was the paradox -- Romania was hostile and uncooperative with the Soviets. Bucharest refused to submit to Moscow, and this did not compute for many of us. Resistance to [...]

Beyond the Post-Cold War World

An era ended when the Soviet Union collapsed on Dec. 31, 1991. The confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union defined the Cold War period. The collapse of Europe framed that confrontation. After World War II, the Soviet and American armies occupied Europe. Both towered over the remnants of Europe's forces. The collapse of the European imperial system, the emergence of new states and a struggle between the Soviets and Americans for domination and influence also defined the confrontation. There were, of course, many other aspects and phases of the confrontation, but in the end, the Cold War was a struggle built on Europe's decline. Many shifts in [...]

Participarea ministrului Titus Corlăţean la seminarul Smart Defence and Defence Investment

Tip: Comunicat de presă Data: 31.10.2012 Ministrul afacerilor externe Titus Corlăţean a participat astăzi, 31 octombrie 2012, la seminarul Smart Defence and Defence Investment, organizat de Universitatea Naţională de Apărare Carol I, Academia Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România şi Centrul de Analiză şi Studii de Securitate. În alocuţiunea sa şeful diplomaţiei române a subliniat că obiectivul central al Alianţei este şi rămâne consolidarea securităţii statelor membre, iar pentru aceasta sunt necesare resurse financiare importante. România urmăreşte atingerea standardele armatelor statelor membre NATO şi susţinerea reformei cu resurse financiare corespunzătoare, conform cadrului financiar de austeritate.  Ministrul Titus Corlăţean a evidenţiat, în conformitate cu spiritul noului Concept Strategic al NATO, precum şi cu Declaraţia vizând dezvoltarea capabilităţilor Aliate până [...]

By |2017-11-14T21:28:56+02:0029 ianuarie 2013|Apărare / Securitate Naţională, Subiecte|0 Comentarii


Ministrul Apararii Corneliu Dobritoiu, seful Statului Major al Fortelor Terestre Sorin Ioan si Ambasadorul SUA Mark Gitenstein au participat la ceremonia de incepere a lucrarilor la Centrul de Lupta al Fortelor Terestre de la Cincu – un proiect sponsorizat cu un milion de dolari de Biroul pentru Cooperare in Domeniul Apararii din cadrul Ambasadei SUA, se arata intr-un Comunicat trimis presei la 18 septembrie 2012 de catre Ambasada SUA la Bucuresti.  Centrul de Lupta al Fortelor Terestre reprezinta o constructie de ultima generatie care ofera capacitate de antrenament combinat pentru diverse tipuri de arme. Proiectul constructiei va fi folosit pentru modernizarea infrastructurii bazei de la Cincu. Tot la Cincu, Ministrul [...]

By |2013-01-29T10:16:11+02:0029 ianuarie 2013|Apărare / Securitate Naţională, Subiecte|0 Comentarii
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